Project development
Erat, sed diam voluptua.
Consetetur sadi pscing elitr,
sed diam nonumy eirmod Erat,
sed diam voluptua. At vero
eos et accusam et justo.
Project development
Erat, sed diam voluptua.
Consetetur sadi pscing elitr,
sed diam nonumy eirmod Erat,
sed diam voluptua. At vero
eos et accusam et justo.
Food waste composting
What is compost?
It is the natural process of decomposition and recycling of organic material into a humus rich soil amendment known as compost.
What can be compost?
Food, fruits, vegetables, dairy products, bread, eggshells, meats and products which are biodegradable can be composted if it can be eaten are grown in a field are garden it can be composted. Non-biodegradable materials which cannot be composted includes drinking straws, bottles, plastic bags, plastic utensils, condiment packages, glass metals, grease, etc.,
Food waste which has high moisture content, low physical structure, it is important to mix bulking agent like husk and rice bran, municipal yard manure can be mixed this will absorbed excess moisture food waste during the process produce odour in the form of ammonia. Therefore to prevent odour it is should be well aerated. The chamber must be covered with chicken mesh and on the sides of the chamber small channel must be constructed as shown in the fig. in order to avoid the entry of ants etc., into the composting chamber. Bacterial consortium is added when the food waste is put into the chamber for composting. Proper drainage facilities are to be provided as per the layout. The food waste process should be monitored for the factors like nutrient mix, moisture content, aeration, particle size, pH and temperature. The following photographs show the process of bio composting at the yard and the conversion of food waste into manure and a certificate on the nutrient value of the manure.

Fig.1 Bio-compost yard
Fig.2 Food waste as raw material
and finished product as fertilizer

Fig.3 Certificate on Nutrient content
Fig.4 Blue print on Chamber construction
Eco-sanitation projects - Hostels, I.I.T, Madras

Benefits of compost
Sludge (Sewage Treatment Plant, STP)
The photographs shows core and functional product, and certificate of the nutrient content of the functional product namely the manure.

National seminar on vermicomposting
