Prof. Abdul A Rahman
Prof. Abdul A Rahman

Project development

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Project development

Erat, sed diam voluptua. Consetetur sadi pscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod Erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo.

Bio Gas Plant

What is Bio Gas?

      An anaerobic biogas reactor is an anaerobic treatment technology that produces a mix of methane, CO2 and traces of other gases that can be easily converted to electricity, light and heat.


      Generation of a renewable valuable energy source is the key of biogas plant. low capital cost; low operating cost; long life span. Ecofriendly, zero maintenance, no sludge, no odour and no risk in handling biogas.
      Raw materials such as kitchen wastes food wastes and toilet wastes are used to generate green energy include biodegradable material. Egg shells may be avoided as it contains calcium salts. There is no need to construct separate septic tank for black water disposal. The energy generated is directly used as energy for kitchen. The waste water produced is utilised for garden,after passing into sand filter.
      Toilet linked biogas plant need to have separate treatment facility as the chemicals used for cleaning the toilet will kill the bacterial load in the digestion chamber and biogas emission will be poor. However, solid wastes from the toilet septic tank could be charged into the chamber separating the liquid wastes.

Bio Gas Plant

Bio-compost yard Bio-compost yard
Bio-compost yard Bio-compost yard
Bio-compost yard Bio-compost yard
Bio-compost yard Bio-compost yard
Bio-compost yard Bio-compost yard
Bio-compost yard Bio-compost yard
Bio-compost yard Bio-compost yard
Bio-compost yard Bio-compost yard


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